Explore the colourful and expressionistic painting style of Caran Magaw. As a proud Calgarian she paints the prairies, foothills, mountains, and flowers of this region.
Art is an integral part of Caran's life, "Art calms me and excites me." she says. "I get up earlier and stay up later. Everything I do is enhanced by my passion to paint!"
With a corporate background in her past but now devoted to art full time, Caran says that comparatively, being an artist is an amazing way to live. "Being an artist makes me happy and I hope my paintings will make others happy too!"
As an experiential artist, Caran paints with a variety of mediums, on a variety of surfaces, seeking nontraditional and unique results for her work. Ink, both alcohol and acrylic are currently showing up in her work, often on Yupo which is a plastic paper. The mediums and surface calls for the juxtaposition of both speed and patience in the application of colour.